Sphynx Cattery



                                                History of breed

In 1966, Ontario (Canada) in the domestic cat kitten born without hair, he was named Prune.

When he grew up, he crossed with his own mother. In a communication received from him, and litter

were hairless and normal kittens. With further dilution was also used in close Inbreeding: Prune

crossed both her daughters and granddaughters to. As a result,obtained a stock of hairless cats of two

main types, which differ features of the constitution. In the 60-70s of the 20th century CFA created a

new interim standards cats. But received a small population was unsustainable, and in 1971 the

standard was destroyed. Kittens are born weak, sick and often die.

 In 1975, Wanda (Minnesota, USA), a new hairless kitten, he was given the name

Epidermis. A year later from the same cat was born a similar cat. Both arrived in Nursery Z.Stardust.

The epidermis became the founder of the first line of hairless cats. At the end of 1970 on the streets of

Toronto, where he was born Prune, was found 3 more hairless kittens - cat and two kittens. Kitty was

in bad shape - he needed surgery operation. Therefore, in what he did not participate in breeding. But

his fame longevity, lived almost 20 years!

 Both kitties, Pinky and Paloma, so they were called, came to Holland, where they rodonochalnitsami

European line of sphinxes. In order to support the existence of genetic material, hairless cats, they

were crossed with Devon - Rex. However, excessive similarities with the sphinxes deyvon Rex "get

out" so far, is regarded as a drawback this species: thin skin, short head, with rounded eyes, low set

ears and fine bone. Folded skin usually inherit the representatives of the lines originating from


 Sometimes the American mongrel cats, still naked kittens are born, which

subsequently used for breeding.

 In Russia the first hairless cats were zaveziny in the late 20th century. It is famous Aztek Baringa

(Home name ravioli) and Nefertiti from the nursery Grandpavs. Their owner was

Tatiana Smirnova (kennel Ruaztek) from Moscow.

                                                 Breed Standard

The standard is a description of the items (body parts) of a pure-bred animal. Judging by

the exhibition is based on the standard of each breed. The standard includes the typical shortcomings

of defects animal. Disadvantage - a slight deviation from the standard for the shortcomings which are

usually removed – the number of points in judging. Eastern Promises is a strong deviation from the

standard, which turns into a physical deformity (Eg, cryptorchidism in cats - the presence of one egg

instead of two). Animals with disabilities are removed from the refereeing in the future can not be

used in breeding, but can be a great home favorite.

Nowadays there are many international feline organizations, which under the statute, are entitled to

their own standards, which differ slightly from each other. The following describes the more common

standards organizations here in Russia.

OrganizatsiyaWCA created and registered in 2003. It is based on standards «The Cat Fancier's

Association» - CFA. Branches of the Association, there are many cities in Russia and abroad.

Standard CFA

GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The most characteristic feature of the breed - it is the appearance of

hairlessness. SPHINX - a cat of medium size and body conformation with substantial weight for its

size. Females are generally smaller than males. Body - Warm and soft to the touch, with the structure

of the skin, like a peach or nectarine. SPHINX have a sweet-tempered, lively and intelligent. They are

obedient and sociable.

 HEAD: Shape of the head - modified wedge, slightly longer in length than in width. On the convex

sculptured cheekbones and a characteristic "pinch" - the transition to the whisker pads. Whisker pads

are broad,filled and attached to the muzzle a square shape with rounded contours. The skull is slightly

rounded with a Flat forehead (front of the ears). The nose is straight with a slight to moderate

palpable "stop" on the nose.

 CHEEKS AND CHEEKBONES: prominent, rounded cheekbones which define the eye and form a

Curve higher than the "pinch."

 MUZZLE AND CHIN: "pinch" with the prominent whisker pads. Strong, well developed

chin forming perpendicular line with upper lip

 EARS: large to very large. Wide at the base, open and upright. When viewed from the front, the outer

side of the ear should begin at the level of the eye. Postavy nor too low,or higher. The interior of the

ear - no wool.

 EYES: large, lemon-shaped - wide in the middle and tapering toward the edges. Located at

slight angle (above the outer edge of the inner), in line with the outer edge of the ear.

Widely spaced. The distance between the eyes is equal to the minimum width of one eye. Eyes can be

any color.

 BODY: medium length, strong and muscular with broad rounded chest and full round abdomen.

The rump is well rounded and muscular. Back line rises just behind the shoulder blades, in

consequence of the fact that hind legs are longer. This is evident when the Sphinx stands. The

backbone of the average

 NECK: Medium length, rounded, well muscled, with a slight arch. I adult male musculature is


 LEGS AND FEET: medium in proportion to the body, strong and well muscled. Hind feet slightly

longer than the front. Feet are oval, with long fingers. The five front and four behind. Fingertips

thick. Appearance of walking elevated on cushions.

 TAIL: slender, flexible, proportional to the length of the body. Like a whip, tapering to an end.

 COLOUR: The color and pattern are difficult to distinguish and should not affect the assessment of

the Sphinx. White patches are permitted.

 DISADVANTAGES: other hair than described. Slim, elegant and frail physique thin stomach, small

the rump, or narrow chest. Thin, elegant front legs. Should not resemble the Devon Rex, Cornish Rex,

or have the Oriental type.

 FAULTS: wrinkles, or abnormal curvature of the tail. Structural abnormalities. Aggressive behavior,

endangering the judge.

 Species that are allowed to interbreed with the Sphinx: American Shorthair, Home

Shorthair / and their hybrids with the Sphinx. SPHINX, born after December 31, 2010 may

parents have only the SPHINX


  HEAD (35)

. Size / Form 5

. Ears 10

. Muzzle / Chin 5

. Profile 5

. Cheeks 5

. Eyes 5

  BODY (35)

. Neck 5

. Chest 10

. Belly and rump 10

. Legs and Feet 5

. Tail 5

  COAT / SKIN .. 30                                                                                                                                    MORE